Poofy Pants Dwarf Cichlid
Apistogramma pantalone

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 1.5-2"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 5.5 - 7.0

Hardness: 4-8°

Temperature: 74 - 78 °

Temperment: Generally peaceful

Apistogramma pantalone

One of the less frequently encountered species of Apistogramma, the puffy pants cichlid takes its name from the black marks on the caudul fin, which resemble a pair of "Pantalones". Some sources state that this name has more to do with their clumsy courtship behavious, which resembles a classical theatre clown. These are a smaller, wild caught Apistogramma, reaching only a maximum size of about 2".
As with all wild caught Apistos, care should be taken to mimic their wild habitat as closely as possible. These fish will do well in soft, acidic water, with plenty of hiding places and tanin producing elements, such as driftwood, leaf litter, and coconut shells.
The use of small, shoaling tetras, cyprinids, or even rainbowfish in the tank as "dither" fish will help make the Apistos feel much more secure and come out from hiding. We suggest fish such as the Ember Tetra, Pencilfish, or even Hatchetfish.
These Apistos would make a great addition to a planted aquarium, provided they have some coconut caves, or similar hiding spots.