Highfin Dwarf Cichlid
Apistogramma pertensis

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 2.5-3"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 5.5 - 7.0

Hardness: 4-8°

Temperature: 74 - 78 °

Temperment: Generally peaceful

Apistogramma pertensis

The highfins of Apistogramma pertensis are one of their characteristic traits. This is a wide ranging species of fish, which may be divided into multiple species in the near future. Like most wild Apistogramma, it is important to keep these fish in conditions somewhat similar to their natural habitat; they will do best in an acidic to slightly acidic pH, low hardness, and warmer temperatures. Leaf litter, driftwood, and other tannin producing decorations are highly recommended.
In the aquarium, these are a peaceful fish which generally leave other fish alone. Unlike most Apistogramma, our experience has been that these fish get along well with each other, and males are generally fairly accepting of other males in the aquarium, provided there is plenty of space.
Suggested tank mates for these fish would include any other neotropical tetras, pencilfish, or hatchet fish. Smaller members of the rainbowfish genus Pseudomugil also mix well with these fishes.