Threadfin or Featherfin Rainbowfish
Iriatherina werneri

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 2.5"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 5.0 - 7.2

Hardness: 2-8°

Temperature: 74 - 80°

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling

The Thread or Feather Fin Rainbowfish, Iriatherina werneri

A smaller type of rainbowfish, the threadfin rainbow inhabits densely planted, slow moving swamps and similar bodies of water in the wild. As such, it is ideally suited to a planted aquarium. The waters of these bodies tend to be warm, soft, and acidic, and these conditions should be mimicked in the home aquarium for best results.

An active, schooling fish, threadfins should be kept in large groups, with a minimum of six fishes. They are unaggressive, and can be mixed with virtually any other community type fishes. Males will frequently spar and display at one another, and care should be taken that these fish do have room to retreat. However, keeping multiple males in the aquarium does stimulate colour and fin growth. They make excellent dither or target fish for smaller, moderately aggressive cichlids, such as Apistogramma. Their bright colouration can also make them a focal point in a planted aquarium. As they prefer soft, acidic, and very warm water, they also make an interesting addition to a discus tank.