Marble Hatchet Tetra
Carnegiella strigata

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 1"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 4.0 - 6.5

Hardness: 0-10°

Temperature: 76 - 85 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling

Carnegiella strigata, the Marble Hatchet fish

Hatchetfish are small, surface dwelling tetras that add a lot of movement to the top part of the aquarium. The Marble Hatchet Fish has a beautiful pattern of black against white. These are the smallest of the Hatchet Tetras, reaching a maximum size of just over an inch.
Marble Hatchetfish are somewhat delicate, and will appreciate warm, soft, acidic water. They make an excellent addition to planted aquariums, and are also a great dither fish for dwarf cichlids. As they reside at the top of the water, they're seldom bothered by Apistogramma or similar, even when breeding.
The unique shape of hatchet fish allows them to leap after flying insects in the wild, and even fly across the water's surface. Obviously, this can be detrimental in the aquarium, where they may fail to land back in the tank! For this reason, they should only be maintained in an aquarium with a tight fitting lid. They are surface feeders, and unlikely to eat pellet foods.