Black Morpho Tetra, Weitzman's Tetra
Poecilocharax weitzmani

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 2-3"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 4.0 - 6.5

Hardness: 2-8¡Æ

Temperature: 72 - 78 ¡Æ

Temperment: Unaggressive

Black Morpho Tetra, Poecilocharax weitzmani

The stunning Black Morpho Tetra, Poecilocharax weitzmani, is one of my all time favourite fish. They require warm, soft, acidic water, subdued lighting, and plenty of hiding spots. As they mature, the unassuming fish begins to become one of the true jewels of the aquarium. Unfortunately, these fish are usually imported and offered for sale at under an inch in length, where they are not only fairly delicate, but also disappointingly coloured. In fact, these fish are so delicate that they are exempt from our Live Arrival Guarantee.
However, if you can give them the conditions they need, they will become a startling beautiful fish, with diamond shining scales, bright red highlights, bright red fins, and a sapphire blue stripe. They are undoubtedly the most beautiful of aquarium fish when mature.
Be aware that maintaining multiple mature males in an aquarium can be tricky, as they may fight, and may actually hurt one another. These fish should be maintained in a harem of one male to three or four females, or provided with a large aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. In a larger aquarium, with multiple males, you'll often see the males flashing their fins at one another, which is a breathtaking sight.
Despite the special needs for this fish, they have been bred (though rarely) in captivity.