Stone Catfish, Mini Moth Catfish
Hara jerdoni

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 1.5"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.5

Hardness: 4-14°

Temperature: 72 - 78 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; micro-predator

Hara jerdoni

Hara jerdoni is one of the newer additions to the hobby, introduced as the Indian subcontinent has become a focus point for fish collecting and exporting. This very small, delightful catfish is an anologue of a Corydoras in most ways. These catfish are peaceful, unaggressive, and does best in small groups (though it doesn't school in the strictest meaning of the term.).
Stone Catfish are fairly inactive, and tend to hang around their favourite spots most of the time. They will do best in an aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood, rock crevices, or plants. As a small fish, it is important to avoid placing them in tanks with larger, more aggressive fishes. They should also not be kept with active, bottom feeding fishes that may keep them from eating.
Care should be taken to avoid placing these fish with very small fish, such as Boraras spp., tiny danios, tetras, and the like, as these fish may slowly vanish. However, at a maximum size of just over an inch, Hara are not particularly predatory.
We do recommend that a good, high quality, sinking pellet be given as a staple for their diet, such as New Era Catfish Pellets.