Yellow Convict Cichlid
Cryptoheros nanoluteus

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 3"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 15-G Minimum

pH: 7.0 - 7.8

Hardness: 4-12°

Temperature: 74 - 80 °

Temperment: Peaceful

Yellow Convict Cichlid

When they were handing out common names, this fish was swimming around somewhere else, and missed out on all the good ones. The common name of "Yellow Convict" just doesn't do this beautiful little fish justice. While somewhat similar in appearance to the traditional convict cichlid, this fish has much more colour throughout the body and on the fins.

Unlike their more aggressive namesake, the Yellow Convict Cichlid is a peaceful cichlid with habits almost like a dwarf cichlid. These fish can be shy and retiring in the aquarium, and will not do well with boisterous tankmates. They are generally forgiving of water conditions, provided the water is clean and well oxygenated.

Any small community fish can be successfully kept with these small cichlids. We recommend fish such as the Guttatus Tetra, Hatchetfish, Panda Barbs, and moderately sized Rasboras.