Wild Kribensi, Signatus Krib
Pelvicachromis signatus

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 4-5"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 20-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.4

Hardness: 4-8°

Temperature: 74 - 78 °

Temperment: Mildly Aggressive

Pelvicachromis signatus

The most familiar member of the genus Pelvicachromis is undoubtedly the common Kribensis, Pv. pulcher . There are a number of other similar fishes in the genus, all of which sport very different patterns, and may have very different temperments.

This is one of the larger members of the genus, and also one of the more aggressive. Care should be taken in placing this species with any other members of the Pelvicachromis genus (which should never be attempted, as hybridising may occur, anyhow), as well as any other cave-dwelling or cave-spawning fishes. Tank mates should be reasonably fast moving, shoaling fish, which will also help this fish feel far more comfortable in its environment. We suggest Congo Tetras, active rainbowfish, and barbs.