Canary Cichlid, Nicaraguense Cichlid
Hypsorphrys nicarauense

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 8-12" (Males 10-12", females 8-10")

Recommended Aquarium Size: 75-G Minimum

pH: 7.0 - 7.8

Hardness: 6-18°

Temperature: 74 - 78 °

Temperment: Mildly Aggressive

Nicaraguan Cichlid

The monotypic genus Hypsophrys contains only this beautiful fish, although the closely related Neetroplus nematopus is often placed in this genus as well. Despite its large size, this is a fairly non aggressive fish, though a breeding pair can be more than many other fish can handle. Typically sold at a small size, this is a disappointly coloured fish that will slowly develop into a truly stunning fish.

This fish has a relatively small mouth, and is not particularly piscivorous, though it should not be kept with fish that are too small. They will generally mix well with other less aggressive cichlids, and any number of other fishes, provided these fish are of good size and fairly active. Large rainbowfish, barbs, and the like are all good choices. .

We sell only juveniles at about 2-3", but be prepared for this fish to get much, much larger. !