Shoulder Spot Catfish
Corydoras adolfoi

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 2-3"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.5

Hardness: 4-10¡Æ

Temperature: 72 - 78¡Æ

Temperament: Unaggressive; schooling

Corydoras adolfoi

Often treated as "scavengers" in the home aquarium, the Corydoras have developed a strong following among catfish enthusiasts, in part due to beautiful Cory Cats like this one. All Corydoras are schooling fish, and should be kept in small groups of no less than a half dozen fish. They cannot subside on flakes or leftovers, and we recommend New Era soft Catfish Pellets or another similar, quality food for these fishes.
Corydoras are quite peaceful, and will mix well with virtually any fish that will not eat them. Care should be taken when placing these with some dwarf cichlids, as spawning pairs of dwarf cichlids may see Corydoras as a threat to their eggs (rightfuly so!) and strike first.
For many years, this was the Corydoras, with many people ardently searching for this fish. At one point, counterfeit fish that had been painted to look like the Shoulder Spot appeared on the market. Fortunately, as they're now captive bred in some numbers, this is no longer the case!