Dwarf Rasbora
Celestichthys erythromicron

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 1"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 10-G Minimum

pH: 6.5 - 7.8

Hardness: 4-20°

Temperature: 60 - 75 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling

Celestichthys erythromicron, the Dwarf Rasbora

Despite being commonly referred to as a Dwarf Rasbora, recent evidence has placed this beautiful little fish in with the danios, and shown that is closely related to the Celestial Pearl Danio, or Galaxy Rasbora. Care should be taken to avoid putting these two similar, beautiful, small fish in the same aquarium, as they may produce hybrids. Indeed, it has been suggested that some domestic stock of the Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD) have already been tainted by hybridising with this fish.
This tiny little fish does quite well in virtually any small aquarium, and is generally quite hardy. They are especially well suited for small, planted aquariums, where their beautiful bars and colour will really shine. They can be mixed with any fish which is not large enough to pose a threat to the small danios -- smaller Apistogramma, small tetras, catfish, and the like. They also mix quite well with shrimps.
Like many types of danio, these fish are incredibly easy to breed. Batfish's own stock seems to be pretty self sustaining! Simply put them in a tank with some spawning mops, moss, algae, or plants, and you'll constantly spot the little slivers of fry.