Transparent Mini Danio
Danionella translucida

Basic Information
Maximum Size: Less than 0.5"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 2-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.5

Hardness: 4-10¡Æ

Temperature: 72 - 78 ¡Æ

Temperment: Unaggressive; schooling


Among the smallest vertebrates on earth, and one of the smallest fishes, members of the genus Danionella are truly tiny, with most fish seldom exceeding a half inch in size. They are more or less transparent, as well, with a slightly amber colour to the body.
Due to their incredibly small size, these fish are best maintained in a species tank. They should not be mixed with other Danionella, as hybridization may occur. They may be mixed with other super tiny fish, such as Jellybean Tetras, or with small animals such as most of the small shrimp, micro crabs, or any number of snails.
Their small size makes them somewhat challenging to feed as well. Keep a culture of microworms on hand at all times. They may also eat finely ground flake food or some of the very small micro foods available on the market (especially those designed for fry). Filtration should be a well seasoned sponge filter, as they will be drawn into anything powerful. They will also pick microscopic foods from live plants, filters, and the like.