Bloody Mary Shrimp
Neocaridinia davidi

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 1"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 1-G Minimum

pH: 7.0 - 8.0

Hardness: 5-20°

Temperature: 60 - 74 °

Temperment: Unaggressive

Bloody Mary Shrimp, bright red cherry shrimp aquarium

The various Neocaridinia shrimp are excellent aquarium residents, and can be maintained in even small aquaria. There are a wide range of colours morphs available, and care should be taken to avoid mixing these strains, as they may hybridise and produce undesirable results (particularly eventually reverting back to wild brown shrimp!). Shrimp breed readily in the aquarium, and given time, populations can reach amazing numbers. Shrimp may be preyed upon by any number of larger fishes.

The Bloody Mary Shrimp is a unique variant of the Cherry Shrimp which has a much deeper red, and red throughout the body. This strain has only been available in the United States for a couple of years, and is quickly becoming very popular.