Baby Whale
Brienomyrus spp.

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 6-8"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 45-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.2

Hardness: 5-20°

Temperature: 72 - 78 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; carnivore, solitary.

Brienomyrus species are known as Baby Whales

The Mormyrid fishes collectively called Baby Whales represent a diverse group of fishes in the aquarium hobby, though many are superficially quite similar. Maximum adult sizes range from approximately 6-10", depending on species, with some reaching significantly larger sizes. These fish are generally quite peaceful, and will not bother fish they cannot eat. However, they are carnivores, and will devour small fish, as well as blackworms and other small live food. Many will also eat flakes and pellets. They should not be mixed with one another.