Gnathonemus petersii

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 10"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 55-G Minimum

pH: 6.0 - 7.2

Hardness: 5-20°

Temperature: 72 - 78 °

Temperment: Unaggressive; carnivore, solitary.

The Elephantnose, Gnathonemus petersii, is one of the most common mormyrids

Elephantnose Fishes are among the most bizarre looking aquarium fishes. Their long nose is used to root through soft substrate in search of food. They should not be kept over a sharp gravel, and will do much better over soft sand or similar. They will learn to eat most frozen foods, and will also search through the substrate for live blackworms and similar foods.
These fish require dim lighting and a relatively large tank; they should not be housed in a brightly lit aquarium. Provide the fish with adequate hiding spaces, and it will likely feel more secure and spend more time in the open.
Elephantnoses may be mixed with any reasonable sized fish that is not aggressive. Small fish may be eaten (though this is unlikely). They should not, however, be mixed with other elephantnoses or mormyrids, including ghost knives, baby whales, and the like. Keep in mind that mormyrids are scaleless fish, and many aquarium medications may kill them.